NAGASE & CO., LTD. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Kenji Asakura; hereinafter “NAGASE”) will use the zeroboard greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions calculation and visualization cloud service of Zeroboard Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Michitaka Tokeiji; hereinafter “Zeroboard”) to calculate NAGASE’s GHG emissions.

The zeroboard service was developed by Zeroboard, with which NAGASE entered into a business alliance in September 2021 as a partner company carrying out sales and business development. The service not only makes calculating GHG emissions of the user’s company more efficient, but it also visualizes the GHG emissions in the supply chain. By using this service, NAGASE will not only work on calculating the company’s GHG emissions, but it will also act as a model case for the chemicals industry in visualizing the GHG emissions in its supply chain, taking advantage of its network in the industry to encourage the widespread adoption of zeroboard.

In order to achieve efficient and accurate visualization of emissions in the supply chain, Zeroboard and NAGASE will examine the possibility of making a package available to support GHG emissions calculations in the chemicals industry as part of efforts to build a sustainable cooperative system working towards a carbon-neutral society.

For details, please see the press release.