My name is Hiroyuki Ueshima, Representative Director, President and CEO of Nagase & Co., Ltd. NAGASE has approximately 110 group companies in around 30 countries and regions worldwide, operating in a wide range of fields including chemicals, electronics, mobility, energy, food, medical products, and biotechnology.
Since its establishment in 1832, NAGASE operated as a trading firm handling a wide variety of materials, with chemicals forming the foundation, but in recent years NAGASE has increasingly been referred to as a ‘manufacturer.’ I personally believe that NAGASE’s strength is the uniqueness it can provide by combining the Group’s trading, manufacturing, and R&D functions. By combining the high-added value information we obtain from our networks as a trading firm with customers around the world with our own research and manufacturing, we provide proposals unique to NAGASE as solutions to customer issues. While continuing to refine this business model, we will pursue our vision of contributing to a sustainable world where people live with peace of mind, as a company that solves manufacturing issues through materials.
Since becoming Representative Director, President and CEO in April last year, I have focused on building a foundation for management, implementing the various Quick Win measures in order to respond to changes in the external environment. Results can already be seen in improving profitability, increasing management speed, and maximizing human capital. There are only two years left for the medium-term management plan ACE 2.0, which will finish with fiscal 2025, and we aim to achieve our targets by implementing the basic policies of Pursuit of Quality, Reform of Profit Structure, and Reform of Corporate Culture, pursuing even greater reforms in line with the new growth strategy announced in November 2023.
This Earth which we live on is not a gift from our ancestors, but something we are borrowing from the future, and I believe it is our responsibility to return it in a condition where future generations of children can experience a quality of living as good as or better than ours today. Keeping this in mind, NAGASE will contribute to solving social and environmental issues through its business activities. NAGASE will celebrate the 200th anniversary of its founding in 2032. With all our employees sharing the NAGASE management philosophy of recognizing our responsibility to society and maintaining the highest standards of integrity, and while valuing the relationship of trust with all our stakeholders, the Group as a whole will work to contribute to a better future.
Thank you for your continued support.
July 2024
Nagase & Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President and CEO
Hiroyuki Ueshima