Basic Approach to Biodiversity

The NAGASE Group recognizes that taking into account, maintaining, and conserving biodiversity, which supports ecosystem services (supply services, regulating services, habitat services, cultural services), is an important environmental issue.

Based on this recognition, with regard to business activities that may have a significant impact on biodiversity, we will strive to understand how we depend on biodiversity and what kind of impact we are having, and to minimize our impact on biodiversity and contribute to its recovery.

Basic Approach to Sustainable Palm Oil Procurement

Palm oil has been linked to environmental destruction caused by plantation development in tropical regions and human rights abuses of plantation workers, etc. The NAGASE Group believes that it is important to eliminate deforestation, maintain and restore ecosystems, and protect workers' rights when procuring palm oil, and we will procure palm oil in a sustainable manner. The NAGASE Group is committed to sustainable palm oil procurement.

As part of its efforts, NAGASE & CO., LTD. joined the RSPO "Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil" in August 2017, which aims to procure sustainable palm oil with consideration for environmental impacts, and continuously participates in RSPO meetings and briefings to promote sustainability throughout the supply chain. We are promoting the spread of sustainability throughout our supply chain.

We have also set a goal to procure 100% sustainable palm oil by the end of FY2025.

Targets and progress

Disclosure item Target item Boundary Targets Results for FY2023
Biodiversity Business activities that may have an impact
Sustainable palm oil procurement
Group Qualitative:
In line with the NAGASE Group's Basic Approach to Biodiversity, with regard to business activities that may have a significant impact on biodiversity, we will strive to understand how we depend on biodiversity and what kind of impact we are having, and to minimize our impact on biodiversity and contribute to its recovery.

Sustainable palm oil procurement
100% (in FY2025)

RSPO certified oil ratio (%): 57.9%

Business activity policy

The NAGASE Group conducts business based on its environmental policy and basic approach to biodiversity.

New business

In order to achieve a balance between biodiversity and business activities, we conduct surveys and assessments of the impact of new businesses on the overall environment, including the conservation of forests and biodiversity, and of the effective use of resources, energy, and water resources, and strive to conserve the environment and reduce our impact.

Existing business

As part of the environmental management system of the Group's ISO 14001 management organization, we assess the impact of our existing businesses on biodiversity throughout the value chain, formulate action plans, and manage progress.

Examples of initiatives

Agreement concluded with Yusuhara Town in Kochi Prefecture to launch demonstration project for Forest Credit Creation

Nagase & Co., Ltd. and Yusuhara Town have signed an agreement for the purpose of a demonstration project for Forest Credit Creation*1. In this project, Nagase & Co., Ltd., which supports corporate decarbonization management, supports and collaborates with Yusuhara, which has been certified as a leading decarbonization region*2 and is working to create forests for the future utilizing its rich forest resources, in order to manage its forests and solve issues in the local community. In this project, Nagase & Co., Ltd. will not only support the management of forest resources in Yusuhara Town, but also will contribute to regional revitalization of the town by making use of its technical knowledge and the latest ICT technology based on its extensive customer network. The project will create a model case for sustainable business co-creation in Yusuhara Town. Nagase & Co., Ltd. will utilize the knowledge gained through its collaboration with Yusuhara Town to develop solutions aimed at not only achieving its own carbon neutrality, but also supporting the creation of forest credit and providing value to local communities and forestry.

  • *1 This project represents forest absorption among the types of J-Credit.
  • *2The region will achieve net zero CO2 emissions from electricity consumption in the consumer sector (households, businesses, and other sectors) by FY2030, as well as reductions in other greenhouse gas emissions, including transportation and heat use, consistent with Japan's FY2030 target for the country as a whole, depending on regional characteristics.
Collaboration Agreement concluded with Yusuhara Town in Kochi Prefecture on forest management

Initiatives for ecosystem conservation in the Hayashida River Basin

Nagase ChemteX Corporation

The NAGASE Group considers biodiversity conservation at its production sites to be an important issue. The Harima Plant of Nagase ChemteX Corporation is located in the Hayashida River basin, a tributary of the Ibo River in Hyogo Prefecture. In order to conserve biodiversity, the plant works with the Ibogawa River Fisheries Cooperative Association to carry out conservation activities (through the payment of cooperative fees, etc.) in the basin, where sweetfish, amur goby, and aucha perch (an endangered species) grow.

Cooperation with NGOs / Biodiversity initiatives

Nagase ChemteX Corporation

The NAGASE Group considers forest conservation as an important issue. Since 2010, Nagase ChemteX Corporation has been sending used stamps to the Tanzania Pole Pole Club, an NPO, to support their tree-planting activities on Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania, East Africa), a World Heritage Site, as well as self-reliance in activities and improvement of livelihoods.

Promotion of environmentally friendly sustainable plastics

The NAGASE Group considers the promotion of environmentally friendly sustainable plastics as an important issue. NAGASE & CO., LTD. handles TENITE™ cellulose, a biomaterial made from wood, as a Japanese agent of Eastman Chemical Company. TENITE™ cellulose is manufactured from conifers that have been systematically harvested from forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®).

It is a resin material made by replacing some of the hydroxyl groups of cellulose with acetic anhydride, propionic acid or butyric acid, and adding an additive (plasticizer) to make it moldable. The percentage of bio-materials is about 40% to 50%. NAGASE will continue to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity by promoting TENITE™ cellulose, an environmentally friendly sustainable plastic.

TENITE™ manufacturing process


Data on biodiversity