Basic approach to social contribution activities

The NAGASE Group Management Philosophy reminds us that we are a member of society and that, through our growth, we will contribute to society and enrich the lives of our employees. We engage in a variety of social contribution activities under this banner.

Community involvement and investment

The NAGASE Group's management philosophy states that we are "aware of our role as a member of society" and that we "strive to improve the welfare of our employees and contribute to society through the development of the Company.” We will contribute to the realization of a better society through both business activities and social contribution activities.

Priority areas and main activities for community support

Priority areas Relationship with business and society and main activities
1) Support and training of technologists In order to realize the NAGASE Group's goal of a "safe, secure and comfortable society in which people can live comfortably," we believe it is our mission to contribute to the promotion of science and technology in Japan as a company that handles chemical products. We support the dissemination of research grants and results, and the development of future scientists (chemists).
・The Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students
・NAGASE Science Technology Foundation
2) Regional support As a member of the local community, the NAGASE Group is also engaged in activities to bring out the best of the local community through the strengths of the Company.
・Hayashibara Museum of Art
・Chemistry experiment study for elementary school students
・Participation in the Living Architecture Museum Festival
3) Supporting the broader society The NAGASE Group is committed to solving social issues and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society in order to be supported by stakeholders around the world in the future, even outside its business domain.
・Support for TABLE FOR TWO
・Scrum Japan Program
・Support for Paralympics athletes

Please click here for The NAGASE Group's participation in the community.
Please click here for the total amount of donations and community investments made to accredited nonprofit organizations.

Support and commitment to the United Nations Food Systems Summit

Hayashibara Co., Ltd. (Current Nagase Viita Co., Ltd.), a member company of the NAGASE Group, expressed its support for the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021 held in New York, USA, in September 2021. By leveraging the Company's long-cultivated strengths in enzyme utilization technology and materials naturally derived from biotechnology, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable food system, especially food security in terms of both quality (nutrition) and quantity (supply), by promoting the development of highly nutritious foods, reducing food loss, and improving the productivity of agricultural and livestock products to secure stable food supplies.

The UN Food Systems Summit (FSS) is a UN-sponsored summit based on UN Secretary-General António Guterres' view that a shift to a sustainable food system is essential to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Hayashibara Co., Ltd. (Current Nagase Viita Co., Ltd.). supports the purpose of this summit and expresses the following commitment through the Government of Japan.

Please click here for details.

Community Involvement

The NAGASE Group Management Philosophy reminds us that we are a member of society and that, through our growth, we will contribute to society and enrich the lives of our employees. We engage in a variety of social contribution activities under this banner.

Supporting and Training Technologists

Nagase Science and Technology Foundation

The Nagase Science and Technology Promotion Foundation was established in 1989 to help promote science and technology in Japan, and it became a public interest incorporated foundation in 2011. The purpose of this Foundation is to promote science and technology by supporting research and development in fields such as organic chemistry and biochemistry, and to contribute to the development of the social economy. In 2023, a total of 25 research grant winners were selected from 301 applicants in the fields of organic chemistry and biochemistry, and each received a grant of 2.5 million yen (including an additional 500,000 yen for the response to COVID-19) and the NAGASE Research Promotion Award.

Visit the Nagase Science and Technology Foundation website

Nagase Science and Technology Foundation

The Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students

The Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students was held to further stimulate interest in science, especially chemistry, among high school and technical college students, with the aim of fostering “innovative human resources” and “global human resources. Eighty schools from all over Japan participated in the contest, making poster and oral presentations.

Nurturing Local Culture

Hayashibara Museum of Art

support for the Hayashibara Museum of Art. The museum houses a collection of Japanese and other East Asian paintings, crafts, and other items. The museum also exhibits furnishings inherited from the estate of the feudal Ikeda clan of the Okayama Domain. The goal of the museum is to contribute to research of cultural assets and improve the culture of the region and of Japan. It does this by preserving works of art, conducting research on them, and allowing the general public to enjoy them through unique exhibitions and other events.

Visit the Hayashibara Museum of Art website

Hayashibara Museum of Art

Chemistry experiment study for elementary school students

Since 2019, Nagase ChemteX Corporation has held an event at its Harima Office to invite the Tatsuno Children Eco Club, an environmental study group for elementary school students operated by Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture. The students enjoyed learning through simple experiments using the company's environmentally friendly products and explaining how they purify factory wastewater, which was well received by participants.

Chemistry experiment study for elementary school students

Participation in the Living Architecture Museum Festival

NAGASE & CO., LTD.’s Osaka head office is a registered cityscape resource of Osaka City. Every year, NAGASE participates in the Living Architecture Museum Festival in Osaka, helping the City’s promotion attract people.

Participation in the Living Architecture Museum Festival

Contribution to Society


NAGASE participates in the TABLE FOR TWO charity program, which simultaneously strives to solve the problems of hunger in developing nations and of obesity and lifestyle diseases in developed nations.

Visit the TABLE FOR TWO website



NAGASE & CO., LTD. supports the SCRUM JAPAN PROGRAM, a program operated by the Japan Rugby Football Union to foster human resources through the sport of rugby.

Visit the SCRUM JAPAN PROGRAM website


Supporting Para-Athletes

We support the activities of the Japan Blind Marathon Association. In addition, Shinya Wada, a visually impaired para-athlete and silver medalist (1,500 m) and bronze medalist (5,000 m) at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, is a member of our Company.


Data on social contributions activities