The Electronics Department provides various functional materials and their constituent materials for the silicon wafer, semiconductor, electronic component, and display industries, and works with partner companies to develop products that meet market and customer needs.
Customer Industry
Electronic components, semiconductors, silicon wafers, displays, communications, electronics, semiconductors, batteries, photovoltaics, automotive and automotive parts, construction, logistics, lighting, commercial facilities, public facilities, etc.
Main Products and Service
Precision polishing materials, Optical materials for displays, Touch panel materials, Functional paints, Conductive/insulating materials, Adhesive/encapsulating materials, High heat resistant films, Optical lenses, High frequency devices, Low dielectric materials, Sensing modules, Optical materials for XR, Semiconductor/electronic device related equipment
Highly Heat-Resistant Polimide Film
NAGASE established Xenomax Japan Co., Ltd. jointly with TOYOBO Co., Ltd. Xenomax Japan produces and sells the XENOMAX® highly heat-resistant polymide film for use in flexible displays, sensors, and next-generation displays.
Initiatives for Global End Users (Brand Owners)
Taking advantage of NAGASE's ability to directly contact the engineers of mobile device brand owners in both Japan and overseas, the Electronics Department is moving forward with product development that will meet the needs of our partner companies and of customers.
Initiatives Toward the Chinese Semiconductor/Silicon Wafer Market
The Electronics Department has been introducing and selling a variety of Japanese products to the Chinese semiconductor and silicon wafer industry, which has been seeing rapid growth. The Electronics Department also provides logistics services covering all of China.
Next-Generation Information and Communcations
Maximizing the Group's synergy, the Information, Communication and Energy Office deals with related products and technologies vital to high-speed communication standards such as 5G and 6G, including low-dielectric materials, glass passive components, precision wire manufacturing, and thin-film coating.
Optical Wireless Communication Systems
Data transfer carried out at super-high speeds by lights blinking over one hundred million times per second. It can be used at a stable speed (100 Mbps or over) without being affected by radio wave interference or noise. With no communication fees, it is also possible to reduce operating costs.
Sensing Devices
Sensing devices are important for creating the Smart Society, and there is strong demand for the development of systems with high function such as combination the sensing devices and AI and other technologies.
For customer demand, Nagase will make new businesses in optical , IoT, and LED related fields.
XR Devices
In addition to product sales of Group company parts and materials for the XR market, which is expected to expand, greater solutions will also be provided. Through a technology information site operated by NAGASE, business will be carried out globally with the latest technology.
Major Group Companies
Related WEB Sites
External links