This section introduces Respect for Human Rights in the NAGASE Group.

Basic Approach to Respect for Human Rights

As a corporate group engaged in business around the globe, the NAGASE Group respects the history, culture, and customs of every region, and we do not engage in harassment or discrimination based on race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, language, physical characteristics, disabilities, wealth, or place of birth.
Specifically, the Group established a Code of Conduct to thoroughly ensure respect for human rights and respect for individuality. In the event of an incident of discrimination, the Group will take immediate steps to investigate the situation, acting to help the affected individual(s) and to prevent any recurrence.

Human rights management system

The Board of Directors is responsible for supervising efforts to respect human rights. The Board of Directors also periodically checks the status of compliance with human rights and the progress of such efforts.

Human rights promotion system

Items Contact
Responsible officer Director in charge of Risk Compliance
Deliberative body Risk Management & Compliance Committee
Important matters concerning human rights discussed by the Risk Management & Compliance Committee are discussed and reported to the Board of Directors in accordance with the prescribed standards.
Secretariat Risk Management Div.

Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders

The NAGASE Group promotes efforts to respect human rights in the Basic Compliance Policy, the Compliance Code of Conduct, and other regulations.
The NAGASE Group will engage in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders regarding responses to actual or potential negative human rights impacts.

Human rights remedies and grievance mechanisms

The NAGASE Group has established a consultation desk for stakeholders in order to reduce and prevent the negative impact of our corporate activities on human rights and to strengthen our efforts to respect human rights.
In the event of a human rights violation, we have a complaint handling system in place to ensure a prompt and sincere response and improvement. It targets not only employees of the NAGASE Group, but also non-regular employees, business partners, customers, local residents and other stakeholders.

Respect for human rights and efforts to prevent harassment

The NAGASE Group Compliance Code of Conduct, which is the code of conduct for executives and employees, stipulates that harassment is prohibited and that any person who commits harassment will be dealt with decisively, including disciplinary action.

We are also making efforts to make it mandatory for managers to take anti-harassment training. Every year, NAGASE & CO., LTD. conducts risk compliance training for employees, including managers. In the training, actual examples and what to do in case of harassment are disseminated.

In particular, we will work to prevent harassment (sexual harassment, power harassment, etc.) in the workplace, which has become a social problem today, whether we are aware of it or not. In the event of a problem related to such discriminatory treatment, we will promptly investigate and take decisive measures to prevent recurrence, including relief for victims and disciplinary action for victimizers.

We operate an internal reporting system to respect human rights and prevent harassment.

Compliance with international standards on human rights

The NAGASE Group signed the United Nations Global Compact in December 2021. We also respect the rights of children and women as set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; the International Bill of Human Rights; the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; the Principles for the Rights and Business of the Child; and the Principles for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

Human rights awareness activities

The Compliance Code of Conduct, which clearly states the respect for human rights, has been translated into Japanese, English, Chinese, and German, distributed in booklet form, and published on the Company intranet as a matter of compliance for all Group employees, both in Japan and overseas.