1.Social Media Policy Background and Purpose
The types of services commonly called social media, which include blogs, X, and Facebook, have become a tremendously important means for sharing information, whether personal or corporate. By its nature, social media is different than traditional media in its effectiveness in enhancing the connection with many people. Meanwhile, improper use of social media, such as publishing incorrect information, can mean negative repercussions for both the individual publishing the information and those affected by it. As such, social media can just as easily affect societal perception of an individual or a business negatively. Accordingly, Nagase & Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "NAGASE") has created this Social Media Policy to clarify our stance to all employees of Nagase Group Companies (hereinafter referred to as "GROUP", in which NAGASE shall be included.) regarding their use of social media.
2.Definition of Social Media
For our purposes, Social Media is defined as a service by which persons use the Internet to publish or exchange information. A typical, but not exhaustive, list of Social Media includes blogs, X, LINE, social network services (Facebook, mixi, etc.), electronic bulletin boards (2channel, etc.), video-sharing websites (YouTube, etc.), or other Internet-based information sharing programs or services.
3.Basic Policies
When GROUP employees use Social Media, they must obey various laws, the NAGASE Basic Compliance Policies, the NAGASE Group Code of Conduct, and other applicable rules and societal norms. In addition, employees should understand the nature, design, and terms of use of Social Media, endeavoring to avoid negative consequences to GROUP stakeholders, and engaging in highly transparent, wholesome communications. These Basic Policies include the following specific policies: If any law applicable to a local office conflicts with these Basic Policies, the law will govern over the rule in conflict.
- Use Social Media with an understanding of its characteristics and potential impact, exercising conscientiousness and responsibility.
- Do your utmost to publish information that is correct.
- Respect others.
- Do your utmost to engage in wholesome, quality communication.
4.To Our Customers
Information published by GROUP employees on Social Media does not necessarily reflect official GROUP corporate policy or opinions. Official corporate policy, information, and opinions are published through NAGASE corporate website and/or formal press releases.
Please contact here to address complaints, comments, or inquiries about GROUP employee Social Media use.