Integrated Report 2020
We identify new businesses that nobody has
recognized before, develop them to become businesses
creating new value, expand them throughout the
world and deliver value to people.
NAGASE’s Value Proposition
read moreCEO Message
We will continue providing society with value
throughout the ages and achieve sustainable
growth for the NAGASE Group
Representative Director and President
Kenji Asakura
CFO Message
Creating New Business and New Value by Raising Corporate Value
Director and Executive Officer
Masaya Ikemoto
Integrated Report 2020
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NAGASE’s Value Proposition(1.4MB)
Our Value | Identify | Develop | Expand | Driving Our Value
Message from Management(526KB)
CEO Message | CFO Message
Story for Value Proposition(839KB)
Story of the NAGASE Group’s Value Proposition | 1. Our Philosophy | 2. Our Business Model | 3. Our Roadmap for Growth | 4. Our Sustainability Management | 5. Our Destination
Management & Sustainability(505KB)
Our Board | Interview with the Outside Directors | Corporate Governance | Compliance | Risk Management & Responsible Supply Chains | Creating Environmental Value | Innovation | Creating Social Value | Social Contribution Activities
Businesses | Functional Materials | Advanced Materials & Processing | Electronics | Mobility & Energy | Life & Healthcare | Regional Strategy
11-Year Financial Highlights | Financial Information | Consolidated Subsidiaries, Affiliates and Offices | History of the NAGASE Group | Investor Information | Corporate Information